CIPM Nigeria

The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) Nigeria and The Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Canada (CPHR Canada), have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding & Mutual Recognition Agreement to foster on-going collaboration and cooperation between these two organizations dedicated to the advancement of the human resources profession.

CIPM Nigeria and CPHR Canada will collaborate on mutual certification to recognize each organizations’ certification programs (CPHR and MCIPM or FCIPM).

For MCIPM or FCIPM members

  • Become a member of a provincial member association and pay their CPHR membership fees.
  • Request CIPM Nigeria to directly provide confirmation of your full Membership MCIPM or Fellowship FCIPM in good standing to that provincial member association.

For CPHR members

  • Contact CIPM Nigeria for more information about the process for recognition.